Wendake (Quebec)

The Quebecois accent gives us some mad laughter, Olivier does not resist to the urge to imitate Céline Dion and sound " mèrrri Rrréné ".
Our choice went on the Wendaké's Amerindian reserve. In the suburb of Quebec, a particularly well integrated community. On the road, our imagination gallops: " as soon as one takes himself arrows on the car, it is that one arrived " launch Emmanuel. Our clichés do not make long fire, for the church hurone of LORETTE'S ND, more calumet and feathers than Tibetan monks: the Hurons are for the XVII-th century very well integrated into the Quebecois culture.

In the exit of the mass, a person in her sixties with the short dyed hair colour plum, learns us that it is one of the "wisdoms" of the village. Olivier has trouble hiding his disappointment to find her air so little typical. At the Hurons, it is the woman who leads dance and, in the autumn of the life, she becomes the counselor of all the family. Even though her grandchildren live henceforth outside the "reserve", our parishioner continues to exercise a moral authority; and sight as moderate as definite of this small good high woman as three apples convinces us of it very quickly.

The Father Lucien Pageot, cleaned out by LORETTE'S ND, one of some priests charged with the apostolate with the Amerindians. For him, the inculturation is a chance for the Quebecois church. he does not hesitate to replace certain rites of the Roman liturgy by Amerindian rites of purification or offerings.

Every year also, a big Pow wow, Indian holiday par excellence, is organized, with dances, feast of wooden meat and chases in boat during three days. But to see teepees, it is necessary to make a bend by the reconstituted village Olivier does not miss to sample there a stew of caribou.


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